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Pricing Plans

Recreational Class Pricing

First Class:

$55 per month


Second Class:

10% Discount - $49.50


Third Class (and beyond!):

10% Discount - $44.50


* Seasonal Enrollment fee of $25 due upon registering for a class. 


* Recital costumes include any necessary tights and hair pieces, but exclude any required shoes. (Costumes are approx. $65-$70)


*Discounts can be used within a family! Example: A family has 2 dancers. Dancer 1 takes one class, Dancer 2 takes 2 classes. Monthly tuition would be $55.00 + $49.50 + $44.50= $149 for both dancers. 

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Pricing Plans - Team 27

Placement by audition only

Level 1 - $105 per month

(1) 1 hour style class that competes

(1) 1 hour ballet class

Additional style classes - $40 each per month


Level 2 - $175 per month

(2) 1 hour style classes that compete

(1) 1.5 hour ballet class

Additional style classes - $40 each per month


Level 3 - $285 per month

(3) 1 hour style classes that compete

(2) 1.5 hour ballet classes

Additional style classes $40 each per month


Level 4 - $350 per month

(4) 1 hour style classes that compete

(3) 1.5 hour ballet classes (1 pre-pointe/pointe)

Additional style classes $35 each


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